Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Idea for a Spiderman Movie

I highly doubt Sony Pictures would even consider this, because of their tendency to only release Spiderman movies that appeal to everyone, but what about an R-rated Spiderman film, with Carnage as the villain? With me so far? Okay. Let me explain: 

In my honest opinion, I believe that the next Spiderman movie in a series should completely discard the origin story. We've already seen it done two times so far in cinemas, so people basically know what to expect by now. It may not be as well known as, say, Batman's origin, but I would like to see Hollywood try something new with the character; something radical and completely risky. 

I think it would be very interesting to see a story-line involving a Spiderman that has already established himself as a superhero; someone who has been fighting crime in NYC for six, maybe seven years. But when Carnage comes along, all hell breaks loose, and Spidey meets his first true enemy. At last, he encounters a villain who he truly cannot fight on his own. 

Now, I realize that in the comics, Spiderman turns to Venom in desperation and seeks a truce from him, in an effort to end Carnage's killing spree. They will somehow need to explain Spidey and Venom's history though some kind of storytelling device, such as flashbacks or a monologue at the beginning of the film. In any case, this will be very tricky for anyone to pull off, if this ever does come to fruition. 

In fact, I am even planning to pitch this very idea to Sony Pictures, sometime in my writing career. It really would be a shame if this kind of movie was rejected. Personally, I would love to see a film like this. It would be amazing. There would even be a chance to get Venom right, after the atrocious portrayal of Eddie Brock by Topher Grace, in Spiderman 3. 

This is just my own rough opinion, though. Let me know what you guys think. Do you like this idea? Do you hate it? 

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